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Loan of the month – March 2024

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Case study #1: Tamara

The need

Tamara found out her car needed urgent repairs, so she sat down to do her budget and realised she just couldn’t afford it.

Car repairs are one of the most common reasons people seek loans, because they’re almost always unexpected. No one plans for their car to break down!

In this economic climate, where many people are facing high living costs, it can be difficult for them to put money aside for emergencies like this because they simply don’t have the wiggle room.

The challenge

Tamara already had existing loans, and she was only just managing to keep up with the repayments on those, so simply adding a new loan was out of the question.

She also needed some cash quickly to get her car back on the road, so there wasn’t time for her to go hunting for a cheap loan.

She had heard some positive reviews about Loansmat, so she decided to give the team a call to see if they could help her out of her jam.

The solution

The Loansmart team sprang into action to help Tamara get access to the funds she needed.

They got her a new loan for the car repairs and also consolidated her existing debt into a new debt consolidation loan.

The interest rate on this new loan was considerably lower than the original loans, so Tamara’s weekly payments dropped by $100 per week!

She was delighted with these savings, which meant that not only could she afford her car repairs, but also some of the financial strain she’d been experiencing was reduced.

Tamara was happy with how simple and easy the process was, which is one of the reasons Loansmart has so many positive reviews!
We’ve helped thousands of Kiwis get access to the funds they need through our simple, quick processes that take the hassle out of getting a loan.

There’s no jumping through hoops with Loansmart – we take care of that! All you have to do is give us some basic information and we’ll handle the rest.

Our fully online process means you won’t be swimming in confusing paperwork or taking time off work to sign something in person. It’s all done digitally, leaving you free to get on with your day while we work hard to find you a great loan deal.

Get in touch with our friendly team today for a free loan assessment.

Case study #2: Terry

The need

Terry wanted to sell his house, but it needed $60,000 worth of repairs before he could put it on the market.

The challenge

Terry needed this cash quickly because he urgently needed to sell his house.

He first went to the bank to arrange a loan, but his bank was taking upwards of a week to get him an answer.

While he waited, he got in touch with Loansmart to see if we could help.

The solution

Fortunately for Terry, Loansmart specialises in fast loans. We were able to approve his loan the same day.

We also tailored his loan to suit his needs. Because Terry only needed the cash short term to cover the urgent house repairs, we arranged an interest-only loan for six months.

This kept the loan repayments at a minimum while he went about selling his house. Once the house is sold, he can then pay back the loan.

Terry was delighted with the result – he got the cash he needed almost immediately after applying.
That’s the sort of speed our customers expect from us, and we deliver.

Contact our friendly team today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.